Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Wow, that is a long name, I almost fell asleep just typing it all up there. Forgive my cheesy humor :D It's Wednesday morning, middle of the week, rainy and overcast, definitley putting me down because of this non-summery weather.. and I was struggling for an idea for a post... So I thought back to some things that I recently bought, actually, just yesterday (; And so, this post is born. Let's get on with it:

Since this is my first DRUGSTORE REVIEW on this blog, I am going to tell you a bit about what these are going to be. I have decided just now that I am going to do "DRUGSTORE REVIEWS" and "HIGH-END REVIEWS," which are exactly what they sound. So there will be reviews for the inexpensive people and the less inexpensive people... alright, I'm rambling, on to the product!


Even though I just got this mascara yesterday, I think I have a pretty good idea of what I think of this mascara. At this point, I really like it. I'll list the pros and cons for you:


  •  It conditions your lashes and actually helps them grow. (I haven't been able to notice anything yet because it's only the second day of use, but I'll get back to ya on it(:  ).
  • It IS waterproof as far as I can tell. When I wash my face, it doesn't come off until I use the soap and rub it off.
  • It doesn't flake on me so far, which is great, because I absolutley HATE flaking mascaras. So rest assured that if I review a flaky mascara, you'll know(;
  • Lastly, it does a pretty good job at volumizing lashes. I do a good 2 coats at least. I like VERY voluminous lashes(:


  • I only have a couple of cons for this mascara, the first one that stands out for me is the absolutley MASSIVE brush. For me, it's just a little too big and takes a couple uses to get used to.
  • And this last con might not bother you, but I have to include it. I don't have much of a liking for 'fiber' brushes, or whatever you want to call it, mainly because they're not as stiff as the 'rubbery' mascara brushes such as the Rimmel Sexy Curves Mascara. And then I feel like I can't coat my lashes as well as with a rubbery brush.


The Grow Luscious Brush.

A close-up of the Grow Luscious Brush.

A Comparison of the Grow Luscious Brush (Top) & Rimmel Sexy Curves Brush (Bottom).

So, in the end, I would say that the Pros outweigh the Cons making it a pretty good mascara. It's not the best I've tried, but if you're looking for a decent mascara that volumizes, is waterproof, and helps your lashes grow, I would check this one out!

My Sunbasque In Beauty Rating:  B+

Until later,
Your Friendly Obsessive Makeup Blogger,

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